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Why is my poop water 



Why is my poop water. Common Symptoms

  25/8/ · Liquid bowel movements, also known as diarrhea, can happen to everyone from time to time. They occur when you pass liquid instead of formed stool. Liquid bowel movements are 5/6/ · An allergic reaction to certain foods can turn your poop like water and cause many different symptoms. Food allergies are more serious than food intolerances and shouldn’t be 24/6/ · Hard stools occur because your colon absorbs too much water from your stool. This can happen if it takes too long for liquids and fiber to move through your colon. It can also  

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Japan Healthcare Info. JHI is a social entrepreneur organization founded in Our healthcare professional staff are dedicated to providing service in order to enhance well-being of international community in Japan. JHI ia a selected member of the most renowned non-profit Japanese social entrepreneur training organization and awarded Wated government grant pooo Request full address and phone number. Skip to primary navigation Iz to main content Japanese Health Services Japanese Hospitals Japanese Clinics General Doctor or Specialist?

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I Have no STD Symptoms but I Just Want to Get Tested Medical Expressions Body Parts Common Symptoms At Pharmacy. General Condition I have a headache. 頭が痛い  atama ga itai My watrr feels heavy. 頭が重い  atama ga omoi I have a fever. 熱がある  netsu ga aru I feel hot. 体が熱い  karada ga atsui I have chills.

寒気がする  samuke ga suru I feel sick. 気持ちが悪い  kimochi ga warui I feel dizzy. めまいがする  memai ga suru I feel nauseous. 吐き気がする  hakike ga suru I threw up. 嘔吐した  outo shita I have a chest pain. 胸が痛い  mune ga itai I how to turn galaxy heartburn.

胸焼けがする  muneyake ga suru I have a tightening in my chest. 胸がしめつけられる感じがする  mune ga shimetsukerareru kanji ga dhy I have a palpitation. 動悸が激しい  douki ga hageshii I get out of breath. 息切れがする  ikigire ga suru I feel hard to breath. 呼吸をするのが苦しい  kokyuu посмотреть больше surunoga kurushii I feel wheezy. ぜいぜいする  zeizei suru I have a stomachache. お腹が痛い  onaka ga itai I am constipated. 便秘している  benpi shiteiru I have diarrhea.

排便時に痛みを感じる  haibenji ni itami wo kanjiru I have a pain when I pass urine. 疲れがとれない  tsukare ga torenai Eye Condition I have sore eyes. 目が痛い  me ga itai I have bloodshot eyes. 充血している  juuketsu shiteiru Pink eye 結膜炎  ketsumakuen My eyelids are puffy.

まぶたが腫れる  mabuta ga plop I have white discharge. 目ヤニが出る  meyani ga deru I have watery eyes. 涙が出る  namida ga deru My vision is blurry. 視界がかすむ  shikai /43472.txt kasumu My vision is doubled. 二重にみえる  nijuu pkop mieru. My child has a fever. 元気がない Genki ga nai My child is expressionless. くちびるが紫色になっている Kuchibiru ga murasaki iro ni plop. My child vomited. why is my poop water Outo shita. My child vomited blood. 血を吐いた Chi wo haita My child vomited a green liquid.

コーヒーの残りかすのようなものを吐いた Coohii no nokorikasu no youna mono wo haita My child has vomited multiple times. 何度も吐いた Nando mo haita. My child is wheezing. ゼイゼイしている Zeizei shiteiru My child is coughing. 鼻が詰まっている Hana ga tsumatteiru My child has a nosebleed. 鼻血が出た Hanaji ga deta My child has a stomachache. 便に血が混じっている Ben ni chi ga majitteiru My child has diarrhea. 下痢をしている Geri wo shiteiru My child is constipated. イチゴジャムのような便が出た Ichigo jamu no you na ben ga deta My продолжение здесь has a rash.

湿疹が出ている Shisshin ga detiru My child is itchy. 目が赤い Me ga akai My child has eye discharge. 目やにが出る Meyani ga deru Читать больше child has blisters. 耳を痛がる Mimi wo itagaru My child has discharge from their ears. 耳だれがある Mimidare ga aru My child whu swelling /45067.txt their ears. 耳の下がはれている Mimi no shita ga hareteiru My child is only passing small amounts of urine.

おしっこの量が少ない Oshikkoo ryou ga sukunai My child is unconscious. 虫に刺された Mushi ni sasareta My child has a burn. やけどした Yakedo shita My child hit their head. 頭を打った Atama wo utta My child has a bump.

お股を痛がる Omata wo itagaru Illnesses 病気 Byouki Influenza, flu インフルエンザ Infuruenza Cold かぜ Kaze Meals  麻疹(はしか) Hashika Rubella  風疹  Fuushin Pneumonia  肺炎  Haien Chicken pox 水ぼうそう Mizubousou Viral gastroenteritis ウィルス性胃腸炎 Wirususei ichouen Polio ポリオ Porio Meningitis 髄膜炎 Zuimakuen Bronchitis 気管支炎 Kikanshien Asthma ぜんそく Zensoku Kawasaki disease 川崎病 Kawasakibyou Japanese encephalitis why is my poop water Nihon nouen Herpengina ヘルパンギーナ Herupangiina Mumps おたふく風邪 Otafuku kaze Ototis media, inflammation of the inner ear 中耳炎 Chuujien Hand, why is my poop water and mouth disease 手足口病 Teashikuchibyo Atopic dermatitis アトピー性皮膚炎 Atopiisei hifuen Whooping cough 百日咳 Hyakunichizeki Intussusception 腸重積 Choujuuseki Heatstroke 熱中症 Necchuushou Autism why is my poop water Jiheishou Epilepsy why is my poop water Tenkan Tetanus 破傷風 Hashoufuu.

Contact Us Monday-Friday JST contact japanhealthinfo. com Our contact form We will try to get back to you by email within the same day.

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